Today, Dissertation Defence of Hashfi Hawali Abdul Matin is held in Doctoral Program of Environmental Science. The title of dissertation entitled “Model Penerapan Teknologi Produksi Biogas Menggunakan Bahan Baku Limbah Sekam Padi.”
The composition of Examiner Team is as following:
Promoter: Prof. Dr. Ir. Syafrudin, CES, MT, IPM.
Co Promoter: Prof. Dr.Ing. Suherman, S.T., M.T.
Examiner 1: Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA
Examiner 2: Prof. Dr. Ir. Florentina Kusmiyati, M.Sc.
Examiner 3 (Secretary of Exam): Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si.
Eksternal Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ir. Prabang Setyono, M.Si.
Examiner 4 (Chairman of Exam): Dr. R.B. Sularto, S.H., M.Hum.
Hashfi Hawali Abdul Matin passed the Dissertation Defence successfully with Cumlaude predicate and became the 116th graduate of Doctoral Program of Environmental Science.
Congratulations to the new doctor, Dr. Hashfi Hawali Abdul Matin. Good luck with your knowledge.
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