The Seminar on the Results of Dissertation Research of students of Andhina Putri Heriyanti has been held on September 21, 2022 at 15.00 – 17.00 WIB in a hybrid manner in the Smartclass Room, 3rd Floor of the TTB.B. Postgraduate Building and zoom meeting media. The composition of the Proposal Seminar Examiner Team is as following:

Promoter                                                    :    Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA

Co Promoter                                              :    Dr. Hartuti Purnaweni, MPA

Examiner 1                                                :    Dr. Dra. Kismartini, M.Si.

Examiner 2                                                :    Sutaryo, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D.

Examiner 3/ Chairman of the Exam      :    Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si.

The title of Andhina Putri Heriyanti’s research results is entitled “Pengelolaan Energi Biogas Berkelanjutan dari Kotoran Sapi Perah di Desa Jetak, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang”. Andhina Putri Heriyanti successfully passed the Research Results Seminar and proceeded to the next stage. Bravo!