The Dissertation Defence of students by Lina Herlina has been held on March 14, 2022 at 13.00 WIB online via zoom meeting. The composition of the Proposal Seminar Examiner Team is as following:
Promoter : Prof. Dr. Budi Widianarko, M.Sc
Co Promoter : Dr. Henna Rya Sunoko, Apt., MES
Examiner 1 : Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., IPU
Examiner 2 : Prof. Dr. Ir. Widiyanto, S.U.
External Examiner : Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Sajidan, M.Si
Examiner/ Secretary of the Exam : Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si.
Examiner/ Chairman of the Exam : Dr. R.B. Sularto, S.H., M.Hum.
The title of Lina Herlina’s dissertation is entitled “Analisis Efektifitas Tanaman Hanjuang (Cordyline Fruicosa) dan Puring (Cordiaeum Variegatum) sebagai Fitoremidiator pada Tanah yang Tercemar Timbal.” Lina Herlina successfully passed the Dissertation Defence with the title of Very Satisfactory.
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