The increasing worldwide demand for economic incentive low-cholesterol and high protein sources meat products has led to a tremendous expansion in the poultry industry. However, the increase of manure application intensity is a potential source for negative environmental impacts.

The Guest Lecture held by the Doctoral and Master Program of Environmental Science, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University raise the environmental issue above and the strategies used to handle these environmental problem.

The Guest Lecture “Mitigation of GHG Emissions and Nutrient Conservation through Integrated Waste Management Strategies” is held at Wednesday, January 17 2024 in Smartclass Room, 4th Floor TTB B Building School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University and via zoom meeting.

Keynote Speaker, Dr. Ravindran Balasubramani is an Associate Professor at Department of Environmental Energy and Engineering, Kyonggi University, Suwon, South Korea. He gives lecture and discuss for more than 2 hours. Besides, he also gives material “Research Article Writing.”

Video and documentation of Guest Lecture can be accessed below: